I'm pretty sure there was a bunch of stuff I was planning on writing, but I'll just say the stuff about my area. Good ol' Mattawa.
Well, this was a pretty tough week! Dalia, who was our most promising investigator, isn't attending the english classes anymore, her kids aren't going to mutual, she's sleeping in instead of going to church, and she's not very excited to see us. Crispin has told us the reason he doesn't read the Book of Mormon is because he doesn't understand it, and he told us about a lot of problems in his family that have been going on, that have kept him from church. And seemingly none of our less-active members are going to church. And Reynaldo, who seemed to be progressing, forgot about church and didn't go.
The mission is hard.
I'm growing so much. It's the refiner's fire. I remember one day this week thinking, "Wow. I haven't had a lot of days as tough as this one." And then I read in D&C 122. It's kind of funny. It's a scripture that isn't really all that comforting, but it's kind of saying, "You're going through this for a reason. I never said getting a body, learning about life, and becoming like me would be easy. But remember, the Savior suffered and died for you, so that you would be able to overcome this. You can do it. And I promise that I will never leave you if you do." I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy. In fact, I know I am. But I know my Savior, and my Father, are with me. I might feel like I've been knocked to the ground sometimes, but Christ always has his hand outstretched to help me up again.
I'm so glad that I'm on this mission. I can't believe how happy I am about myself. About who I am. I know I'm not perfect, but when I think about my faults, I just don't see the point of it. Why think of what's wrong in life, when I can think of what's right, and be happy?
Oh, and you people need to E-mail me. I got nuthin' this week! Much love :)
Elder Grant